A hand pointing to a book, with a Surfshark logo speech bubble above it; and a text box with “CYBERSEC COURSE" below it

We’re delighted to present our new product, created to fill the cybersecurity gap that no other tool will. It’s a course on social engineering online! We know you have questions, so let’s get right down to them. 

What is social engineering?

Social engineering refers to psychological techniques scammers use to target people and trick them into revealing sensitive data. After getting what they want, scammers might sell the data, demand money to keep it private or use it for future personal attacks.

Why did we create this course?

At Surfshark, our mission is to provide all-round online security solutions that cover all potential threats. You can use a VPN to increase your online security, Antivirus to protect your devices, Alert or Alternative ID to shield your identity. However, no tool will save you from the weakest link in cybersecurity — the human factor. 

This cybersecurity course is designed around human mistakes and spreads awareness about the most significant scams online, and how to avoid them. 

What are the contents of this course?

The course includes 7 interactive video lessons, tons of quizzes to test your knowledge, and downloadable material summarizing the lessons. Expect to learn about social engineering in:

  • Messages & calls;
  • Social media;
  • Dating apps;
  • Digital banking;
  • Emails;
  • Traveling apps;
  • Online shopping.

How can I get the course?

You can click here to get our course or dive deeper into the details on this page. Once you buy the course, you’ll unlock unlimited access, complete with video content, interactive quizzes, downloadable resources, and handy cheat sheets

Strengthen your online defense armor
By securing human blindspots