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Secure your accounts
Email leaks
Password leaks
Credit cards

Guard your email accounts

Get immediate alerts any time your email address appears in breached online databases so that you can take action.

Check your password vulnerability

See how many times your password has been breached to know if it’s secure to use.

Secure your personal identification number

Stop identity thieves by staying informed about the security status of your personal identification number.

Protect your credit cards

Make sure no money goes missing from your credit cards. Alert will notify you if such information appears online.

Get Surfshark Alert
Email leaks
Password leaks
Credit cards

Guard your email accounts

Get immediate alerts any time your email address appears in breached online databases so that you can take action.

Check your password vulnerability

See how many times your password has been breached to know if it’s secure to use.

Secure your personal identification number

Stop identity thieves by staying informed about the security status of your personal identification number.

Protect your credit cards

Make sure no money goes missing from your credit cards. Alert will notify you if such information appears online.

Get security reports

Opt for quarterly or yearly reports to always stay on top of your private data security.

Get Surfshark Alert

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Surfshark VPN


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Protect data and privacy
Surfshark Antivirus


Scan for viruses
Remove harmful files
Surfshark Search


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Surfshark Alert


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