An image of a Windows software update screen.

We’re decreasing support for legacy Windows OS to improve our services and encourage you to update your device. This may concern you if you’re still running an older Windows operating system. So let’s get down to the details and answer the main questions.

What versions will be supported?

From now on, you’ll still be able to use our app on legacy Windows, but they won’t be updated with our newest features. We will officially support only the newest Microsoft-supported Windows versions (currently Windows 10 and 11) that receive security patches and updates. To make it crystal clear, here’s a list of the versions we will continue supporting and the ones that’ll stop receiving the newest app updates starting today:

Windows 11
Fully supported with the newest app
Windows 10
Fully supported with the newest app
Windows 8.1
Won’t receive the latest updates
Windows 8
Won’t receive the latest updates
Windows 7
Won’t receive the latest updates

The supported systems will change with the new Windows releases. This information was provided in October 2022.

Why are we making this change?

Because we want to encourage everyone to use devices that receive all security updates. As a cybersecurity company, we want to ensure the safety of our apps and make sure they go hand-in-hand with the newest technology. 

Talking about the newest technology, here’s why Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 is obsolete:

  • Windows 7 has not received any updates, including security fixes, since January 14, 2020;
  • Windows 8 went out of Microsoft support on January 12, 2016, and hasn’t received new features or security updates since then;
  • Windows 8.1 is still officially supported but will reach the end of official Microsoft support on January 10, 2023.

Changes in Windows legacy support improve more than your security. It also allows us to:

  • Move faster with new feature development and testing;
  • Use modern development frameworks;
  • Improve overall application security.

Improvements sound exciting, but what if you’re using an older version of Windows? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

What options do you have now?

The safest choice would be updating your software to the latest available version that has all the needed security updates. If you can’t get the newest system updates, Surfshark will be available to you via:

If you have any more questions or need help setting up your device, contact us via email or live chat! We’ll be waiting for you 24/7.