Digital Quality of Life Index

A study on the digital wellbeing across 121 countries (92% of the global population). The study indexes each country according to five pillars that impact a population's digital quality of life.

Digital Quality of Life Index

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Digital Quality of Liferank / index *
Internet affordabilityrank / index *
Internet qualityrank / index *
Electronic infrastructurerank / index *
Electronic securityrank / index *
Electronic governmentrank / index *
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Global average
  • Global average
  • Oceania
  • Asia average
  • Africa average
  • Europe average
  • S America average
  • N America average
* Weighted index. For more information, please refer to our methodology.

DQL world map

Rankings of the Digital Quality of Life Index 2023

Countries with a population of less than 1M were not included.
Global rank
Globally out of 121 countries
Ranking index
Rank in
First time ranked DQL rank jumped up DQL rank dropped down DQL rank not changed Compared to 2022
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DQL rank / index (weighted)
Internet Affordability rank / index
Time to work to afford the cheapest mobile internet rank / seconds
Time to work to afford the cheapest broadband internet rank / minutes
Internet Quality rank / index
Mobile speed rank / Mbps
Fixed speed rank / Mbps
Mobile internet stability rank / index
Fixed internet stability rank / index
Mobile speed improvement rank / index
Fixed speed improvement rank / index
Electronic Infrastructure rank / index
Individuals using the internet rank / per 100 inhabitants
Network readiness rank / index
Electronic Security rank / index
Cybersecurity rank / index
Data protection laws rank / score
Electronic Government rank / index
Online Service Index rank / index
AI readiness rank / index
*Throughout the years, some data sources were changed to be more up-to-date and accurate. For more information, please refer to methodology.
Global average